Friday, October 16, 2009

FINALLY Some Good News On The Adoption Front For A Change!

It seems I only have negative things to post about Lily's adoption, so I am THRILLED to finally have some positive news to put out there in the blogsphere!

Tonight we received an email from our agency letting us know that our pre-placement packet was ready to be downloaded from our agency's website for adoptive parents!

Believe it or not this is the LAST packet we will receive from our agency BEFORE we receive Lily's referral.........after 42 months of officially waiting & thinking many times this just isn't going to happen, we have finally received our preplacement packet! this is good news! It proves we are 1 to 2 months from receiving referral!

Fly China Center of Adoption Affairs stork, FLY! FLY! FLY!

The best part of this blog post, is this little gem:
Paige, the sweetest, funniest, smartest gift from God (thank you God!), handed me this picture she made for me. "This picture is Lily finally coming home to our house."

She is bald in the picture because I have told her numerous times that Lily may have a shaved head when we bring her home. She keeps saying, Lily will have cute pony tails and I don't want her to be disappointed. She is clearly listening to me!

She handed me this picture less than 30 minutes before I received the email telling us of our preplacement packet........I think God is clearly talking to my girl, don't you!?


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Oh this is so awesome and so real... what agency are you going through?

Shannon said...

CHILLS DOWN MY SPINE IN EXCITEMENT! It IS going to happen - SOON! (or at least compared to what you have already waited!)
I can't wait to see your little face, Lily!

ColetteandDon said...

Hi Catherine- I agree we just HAVE to be next. Trying not to get my hopes up too high for January, but it's hard. I'm busy with the Christmas stuff right now, but I know after Christmas I'm going to be on daily pins & needles... waiting to hear!
Colette LID 4/3/06